British five-year-olds are up to 7cm shorter than children of the same age in Europe.
Some experts are suggesting nutrition- and especially a lack of quality food - could be stunting the growth of children in the UK.
The average girl is 111.7cm tall and boys are 112cm in Britain (around 3-ft 6-in), according to data collected by NCD Risk Factor Collaboration.
By comparison, in Bulgaria, children are much taller, the research showed. There, boys are, on average, 120cm (almost 4ft) tall and girls are 118cm.
Children in Italy, Spain, France and Sweden are all much taller at age five, on average, than UK youngsters of the same age.
The average height in Britain has stayed the same since the mid-1980s, whereas children in other countries, especially in Eastern Europe, have grown taller in the decades since
Barnefattigdom påvirker veksten
Hva med å komme med litt mer enn bare en copy/paste fra et eller annet sted?Big George skrev: tor jul 06, 2023 12:50 am British five-year-olds are up to 7cm shorter than children of the same age in Europe.
Some experts are suggesting nutrition- and especially a lack of quality food - could be stunting the growth of children in the UK.
The average girl is 111.7cm tall and boys are 112cm in Britain (around 3-ft 6-in), according to data collected by NCD Risk Factor Collaboration.
By comparison, in Bulgaria, children are much taller, the research showed. There, boys are, on average, 120cm (almost 4ft) tall and girls are 118cm.
Children in Italy, Spain, France and Sweden are all much taller at age five, on average, than UK youngsters of the same age.
The average height in Britain has stayed the same since the mid-1980s, whereas children in other countries, especially in Eastern Europe, have grown taller in the decades since
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- Big George
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